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Programming Microsoft Windows with C by Charles Petzold (PDF).Programming windows by charles petzold pdf free download


As suggested by the list of using directives, namespaces that begin with Windows. Xaml play a major role in the Windows Runtime.

Following the using directives, this BlankPage. Let the mouse pointer hover over the name Page in the BlankPage. Controls namespace. The constructor of the BlankPage class calls an InitializeComponent method which I'll discuss shortly , and the class also contains an override of a method named OnNavigatedTo.

Metro style applications often have a page-navigation structure somewhat like a website, and hence they often consist of multiple classes that derive from Page.

The override of OnNavigatedTo is a convenient place to perform initialization when the page becomes active. But that's for later; most of the programs in the early chapters of this book will have only one page. Notice the partial keyword on the BlankPage class definition. This keyword usually means that the class definition is continued in another C source code file. Conceptually, however, the missing part of the BlankPage class is not another C code file but the BlankPage.

Generally, you'll use the XAML file for defining all the visual elements of the page, while the C file handles jobs that can't be performed in markup, such as number crunching and responding to user input.

The x:Class attribute is followed by a bunch of XML namespace declarations. WPF was part of the. NET Framework 3.

The first namespace declaration with no prefix refers to public classes, structures, and enumerations defined in the Windows Runtime, which includes all the controls and everything else that can appear in a XAML file, including the Page and Grid classes in this particular file.

The word "presentation" in this URI refers to a visual user interface, and that distinguishes it from other types of applications that can use XAML. Only nine of these are applicable in Windows Runtime applications, and obviously one of the most important is the x:Class attribute. This associates an XML prefix of local with the Hello namespace of this particular application. The remaining namespace declarations are for Microsoft Expression Blend.

For any program in this book, these last three lines of the Page root element can be deleted. The Page element has a child element named Grid, which is another class defined in the Windows. The Grid will become extremely familiar. Classes that derive from Panel play a very important role in layout in Metro style applications. In the BlankPage. A Grid without rows and columns is sometimes called a "single-cell Grid" and is still quite useful.

Note In this book, whenever a block of code or markup is preceded by a heading like this one, you'll find the code among this book's downloadable companion content. As you type you'll notice that Visual Studio's Intellisense feature suggests attribute names and possible values for you. Often you can just select the one you want. As you finish typing the TextBlock, Visual Studio's design view gives you a. I'll instead describe the creation of these programs as if you and I actually type in the code and markup just like real programmers.

Press F5 to compile and run this program, or select Start Debugging from the Debug menu. The HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment attributes on the TextBlock have caused the text to be centered, obviously without the need for you the programmer to explicitly determine the size of the video display and the size of the rendered text. In fact, if you set the Width and Height properties on this particular TextBlock, you might end up cropping part of the text or interfering with the centering of the text on the page.

The TextBlock knows better than you how large it should be. You might be running this program on a device that responds to orientation changes, such as a tablet. The Grid, the TextBlock, and the Windows 8 layout system are doing most of the work. You can run the program again outside of the Visual Studio debugger right from the Windows 8 start screen.

Traditional "hello" programs display a greeting in text, but that's not the only way to do it. The Image element is defined in Windows. By default, the bitmap is stretched to fit the space available for it while respecting the original aspect ratio:. If you make the page smaller—perhaps by changing the orientation or invoking a snap view—the image will change size to accommodate the new size of the page. You can override the default display of this bitmap by using the Stretch property defined by Image.

The default value is the enumeration member Stretch. You can control where it appears on the page by using the same HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment properties you use with TextBlock. The fourth option for the Stretch property is UniformToFill, which respects the aspect ratio but fills the container regardless.

It achieves this feat by the only way possible: clipping the image. Which part. Accessing bitmaps over the Internet is dependent on a network connection and even then might require some time.

A better guarantee of having an image immediately available is to bind the bitmap into the application itself. You can create simple bitmaps right in Windows Paint. Using a mouse, finger, or stylus, you can create your own personalized greeting:.

For images such as the one above, PNG is common, so save it with a name like Greeting. Now create a new project: HelloLocalImage, for example. Give the folder a name such as Images. Now right-click the Images folder and choose Add and Existing Item. Navigate to the Greeting. In the Properties panel, make sure the Build Action is set to Content.

You want this image to become part of the content of the application. The XAML file that references this image looks very much like one for accessing an image over the web:. Sometimes programmers prefer giving a name of Assets to the folder that stores application bitmaps. You can use that same folder for your other images instead of creating a separate folder. You might be tempted to refer to the Grid, TextBlock, and Image as "controls," perhaps based on the knowledge that these classes are in the Windows.

Strictly speaking, however, they are not controls. The Windows Runtime does define a class named Control but these three classes do not descend from Control. Here's a tiny piece of the Windows Runtime class hierarchy showing the classes encountered so far:. Page derives from Control but TextBlock and Image do not. For that reason, TextBlock and Image are more correctly referred to as "elements," the same word often used to describe items that appear in XML files.

The distinction between an element and a control is not always obvious. Visually, controls are built from elements, and the visual appearance of the control can be customizable through a template.

But the distinction is useful nonetheless. Try this: In the original Hello program move the Foreground attribute and all the font-related attributes from the TextBlock element to the Page. The entire BlankPage. You'll discover that the result is exactly the same. When these attributes are set on the Page element, they apply to everything on that page.

The Page is the trunk of the tree, and its descendants Grid and. You might imagine that the values of the font properties and Foreground property defined on the Page are propagated down through the visual tree from parent to child.

This is true except for a little peculiarity: These properties don't exist in Grid. These properties are defined by TextBlock and separately defined by Control, which means that the properties manage to propagate from the Page to the TextBlock despite an intervening element that has very different DNA. If you begin examining the documentation of these properties in the TextBlock or Page class, you'll discover that they seem to appear twice under somewhat different names.

FontSizeProperty is of type DependencyProperty, and a class with a similar name—DependencyObject—has a very prominent place in the class hierarchy I just showed you. These two types are related: A class that derives from DependencyObject often declares static get-only properties of type DependencyProperty. Xaml namespace, suggesting how fundamental they are to the whole system. In a Metro style application, properties can be set in a variety of ways. The DependencyObject and DependencyProperty classes are part of a system that help maintain order in such an environment by establishing priorities for the different ways in which the property might be set.

The FontSize property is sometimes said to be "backed by" the dependency property named FontSizeProperty. But sometimes a semantic shortcut is used and FontSize itself is referred to as a dependency property. Usually this is not confusing. Many of the properties defined by UIElement and its descendent classes are dependency properties, but only a few of these properties are propagated through the visual tree.

Foreground and all the font-related properties are, as well as a few others that I'll be sure to call your attention to as we encounter them. Dependency properties also have an intrinsic default value. If you remove all the TextBlock and Page attributes except Text, you'll get white text displayed with an pixel system font in the upper-left corner of the page. The FontSize property is in units of pixels and refers to the design height of a font.

This design height includes space for descenders and diacritical marks. The equivalence between pixels and points requires knowing the resolution of the video display in dots-per-inch DPI. The user of Windows has the option of setting a desired screen resolution.

A Metro style application can obtain the user setting from the DisplayProperties class, which pretty much dominates the Windows. Display namespace. You've seen that if you remove the Foreground attribute, you get white text on a dark background. The background is not exactly black, but the predefined ApplicationPageBackgroundBrush identifier that the Grid references is close to it. The Hello project also includes two other files that come in a pair: App.

Although an application can have multiple Page derivatives, it has only one Application derivative. This App class is responsible for settings or activities that affect the application as a whole. Try this: In the root element of the App. The only options are Light and Dark. Now you get a light background, which means the color referenced by the ApplicationPageBackgroundBrush identifier is different. In many of the sample programs in the remainder of this book, I'll be using the light theme without mentioning it.

I think the screen shots look better on the page, and they won't consume as much ink if you decide to print pages from the book. However, keep in mind that many small devices and an increasing number of larger devices have displays built around organic light-emitting diode OLED technology and these displays consume less power if the screen isn't lit up like a billboard.

Reduced power consumption is one reason why dark color schemes are becoming more popular. These are actually static properties of the Colors class. An optional fourth byte at the beginning is the alpha channel, with values ranging from 00 for transparent and FF for opaque.

The UIElement class also defines an Opacity property that can be set to values between 0 transparent and 1 opaque. In HelloImage, try setting the Background property of the Grid to a nonblack color perhaps Blue and set the Opacity property of the Image element to 0. This color space dates back to the era of cathode-ray tube displays where these bytes directly controlled the voltages illuminating the pixels.

Very fortuitously, nonlinearities in pixel brightness and nonlinearities in the perception of brightness by the human eye roughly cancel each other out, so these byte values often seem perceptually linear, or nearly so. An alternative is the scRGB color space, which uses values between 0 and 1 that are proportional to light intensity.

Due to the logarithmic response of the human eye to light intensity, this gray will appear to be rather too light to be classified as medium. If you need to display text characters that are not on your keyboard, you can specify them in Unicode by using standard XML character escaping.

Or you can simply paste text into Visual Studio as I obviously did with a program later in this chapter. Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep.

This impression would persist for some moments after I was awake; it did not disturb my mind, but it lay like scales upon my eyes and prevented them from registering the fact that the candle was no longer burning. Then it would begin to seem unintelligible, as the thoughts of a former existence must be to a reincarnate spirit; the subject of my book would separate itself from me, leaving me free to choose whether I would form part of it or no; and at the same time my sight would return and I would be astonished to find myself in a state of darkness, pleasant and restful enough for the eyes, and even more, perhaps, for my mind, to which it appeared incomprehensible, without a cause, a matter dark indeed.

Notice the TextWrapping property. The default is the TextWrapping. NoWrap enumeration member; Wrap is the only alternative. Although the TextAlignment enumeration also includes a Justify member, it is not supported under the current version of the Windows Runtime. But the Grid can support multiple TextBlock children. Of course, overlapping is not a generalized solution to displaying multiple items of text! The InternationalHelloWorld program displays "hello, world" in nine different languages.

Thank you, Google Translate! Notice the FontSize attribute set in the root element to apply to all nine TextBlock elements. The HelloAudio project plays an audio greeting from a file on my website. The MediaPlayer class derives from Control and has its own built-in user interface that automatically fades out until you brush your mouse or finger across it. Alternatively you can use MediaElement for playing sounds.

MediaElement is a FrameworkElement derivative that has no user interface of its own, although it provides enough information for you to build your own.

You can use MediaPlayer or MediaElement for playing movies. You can alternatively create them entirely in code. Indeed, very much of what can be done in XAML can be done in code instead. Setting the Name attribute allows the Grid to be accessed from the code-behind file.

The Name attribute is more restrictive: Name is defined by FrameworkElement, so you can use it only with classes that derive from FrameworkElement. Some programmers prefer to be consistent by using x:Name throughout. I tend to use Name whenever I can and x:Name otherwise.

Whether you use Name or x:Name, the rules for the name you choose are the same as the rules for variable names. All names within a particular XAML file must be unique. The first is for the Colors class; the second is for a FontStyle enumeration. The new using directive will be added to the others in correct alphabetical order as long as the existing using directives are alphabetized. Italic; txtblk. Yellow ; txtblk. Center; txtblk.

Notice that the last line of code here references the Grid named contentGrid in the XAML file just as if it were a normal object, perhaps stored as a field. This is why the Grid can support multiple child elements. Code often tends to be a little wordier than XAML partially because the XAML parser works behind the scenes to create additional objects and perform conversions.

The code reveals that the FontFamily property requires that a FontFamily object be created and that Foreground is of type Brush and requires an instance of a Brush derivative, such as SolidColorBrush. Colors is a class that contains static properties of type Color. FromArgb method. The FontStyle, HorizontalAlignment, and VerticalAlignment properties are all enumeration types, where the enumeration is the same name as the property.

Indeed, the Text and FontSize properties seem odd in that they are primitive types: a string and a double-precision floating-point number. You can reduce the code bulk a little by using a style of property initialization introduced in C 3.

Either way, you can now compile and run the HelloCode project and the result should look the same as the XAML version. It looks the same because it basically is the same. Notice that I put the code after the InitializeComponent call in the Page constructor. You can create the TextBlock prior to InitializeComponent, but you must add it to the Grid after InitializeComponent because the Grid does not exist prior to that call.

You can find these files with Windows Explorer by navigating to the HelloCode solution, the HelloCode project, and then the obj and Debug directories. Among the list of files are BlankPage.

The composite BlankPage class thus consists of the BlankPage. LoadComponent to load the BlankPage. The InitializeComponent method concludes by setting that field to the actual Grid object created by Application. The contentGrid field is thus accessible throughout the BlankPage class, but the value will be null until InitializeComponent is called. In summary, parsing the XAML is a two-stage process. At compile time the XAML is parsed to extract all the element names among other tasks and generate the intermediate C files in the obj directory.

These generated C files are compiled along with the C files under your control. At run time the XAML file is parsed again to instantiate all the elements, assemble them in a visual tree, and obtain references to them. Where is the standard Main method that serves as an entry point to any C program? Let me show you something else that will serve as just a little preview of dependency properties:. You might amuse yourself by changing a normal statement like this: txtblk.

SetValue TextBlock. FontStyleProperty, FontStyle. Italic ;. There is no real difference between these two ways of setting the FontStyle property. FontStyleProperty dependency property. Earlier you saw how you can set the Foreground and font-related properties on the Page rather than the TextBlock and how these properties are inherited by the TextBlock.

InitializeComponent ;. Italic; this. Yellow ;. In XAML, that Source string is a shortcut for an object of type ImageSource, which encapsulates the actual image that the Image element is responsible for displaying. ImageSource is defined in the Windows.

Media namespace, but the descendent classes are in Windows. BitmapImage inherits these members and also defines a UriSource property. You can use BitmapImage for displaying a bitmap from code.

Besides defining this UriSource property, BitmapImage also defines a constructor that accepts a Uri object. Imaging has been added to the code-behind file. The Grid is actually set to the Content property of the Page, so rather than accessing the Grid like so: contentGrid. Add image ;. Content as Grid; grid. You can effectively remove the Grid from the visual tree by setting the Image directly to the Content property of the Page: this.

Generally the child of the Page is a Panel derivative that supports multiple children, but if you need only one child, you can use the Content property of the Page directly. InitializeComponent ; image. Look at that special URL for referencing the content bitmap file from code. In XAML, that special prefix is optional. Are there general rules to determine when to use XAML and when to use code? Not really. I tend to use XAML whenever possible except when the repetition becomes ridiculous.

Insights into how a Windows Runtime program starts up can be obtained by examining the OnLaunched override in the standard App. Navigate typeof BlankPage ; Window. Activate ;. Yes, delete them all! Now the project has no code files and no XAML files. Right-click the project name and select Add and New Item. Select either a new class or code file and name it App. Activation; using Windows. UI; using Windows. Markup is easier to edit with tools and shows a clearer sense of the visual layout of a page.

Of course, everything in markup is a string, so markup sometimes becomes cumbersome in representing complex objects. These issues have been addressed in the syntax of XAML in several ways, the most important of which are explored in this chapter. But let me begin this vital subject with a topic that will at first appear to be completely unrelated: defining a gradient brush. The programs shown so far have set these properties to a derivative of Brush called SolidColorBrush.

Like many other graphics-related classes, most of these brush classes are defined in the Windows. Media namespace, although WebViewBrush is defined in Windows. The LinearGradientBrush creates a gradient between two or more colors. For example, suppose you want to display some text with blue at the left gradually turning to red at the right.

Blue; foregroundBrush. Add gradientStop ;. Red; foregroundBrush. The LinearGradientBrush class defines two properties named StartPoint and EndPoint of type Point, which is a structure with X and Y properties representing a two-dimensional coordinate point.

The StartPoint and EndPoint properties are relative to the object to which the brush is applied based on the standard windowing coordinate system: X values increase to the right and Y values increase going down. The relative point 0, 0 is the upper-left corner and 1, 0 is the upper-right corner, so the brush gradient extends along an imaginary line between these two points, and all lines parallel to that line.

The StartPoint and EndPoint defaults are 0, 0 and 1, 1 , which defines a gradient from the upper-left to the lower-right corners of the target object. Each GradientStop indicates an Offset relative to the gradient line and a Color at that offset. Generally the offsets range from 0 to 1, but for special purposes they can go beyond the range encompassed by the brush.

LinearGradientBrush defines additional properties to indicate how the gradient is calculated and what happens beyond the smallest Offset and the largest Offset. If you now consider defining these same brushes in XAML, all of a sudden the limitations of markup become all too evident. XAML lets you define a SolidColorBrush by just specifying the color, but how on earth do you set a Foreground or Background property to a text string defining two points and two or more offsets and colors?

Fortunately, there is a way. Periods are perfectly valid characters in XML element names. XAML poses a restriction on property element tags: Nothing else can go in the start tag. The object being set to the property must be content that goes between the start and end tags.

For these simple properties, the property attribute syntax is shorter and clearer. Where property-element syntax comes to the rescue is in expressing more complex objects like LinearGradientBrush. Notice that the two properties of type Point are specified with two numbers separated by a space. You can separate the two numbers with a comma if you choose. We know from working with the classes in code that the TextBlock elements are added to the Children collection of the Grid, and the Grid is set to the Content property of the Page.

But where are those Children and Content properties in the markup? Well, you can include them if you want. Here are the Page. Content and Grid. That cannot be explicitly included because only elements with parameterless public constructors can be instantiated in XAML files, and the UIElementCollection class is missing that constructor.

Children property elements required in the XAML file? For this content property, and only this property, property-element tags are not required. The reason is the electronic devices divert your attention and also cause strains while reading eBooks. What do flashlights, the British invasion, black cats, and seesaws have to do with computers? In CODE, they show us the ingenious ways we manipulate language and invent new means of communicating with each other.

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Programming Microsoft Windows with C by Charles Petzold (PDF) | .Programming Windows


Charles Petzold www. All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.

This document supports a preliminary release of a software product that may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release.

This document is provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes no warranties, either express or implied, in this document. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, is subject to change without notice.

The entire risk of the use or the results from the use of this document remains with the user. Unless otherwise noted, the companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted in examples herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user.

Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise , or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. All other marks are property of their respective owners. The information contained in this book is provided without any express, statutory, or implied warranties.

Neither the authors, Microsoft Corporation, nor its resellers, or distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by this book. At the time of this writing May 1, , Windows 8 is not yet complete and neither is this book. What you are reading right now is a preview ebook version of the book.

This preview version is based on the Consumer Preview of Windows 8, which was released on February 29, Microsoft has announced that the next preview of Windows 8—called the Release Preview—will be available in June. The second preview ebook version of this book, which will update the seven chapters included here and add more chapters, will probably be available in July. If you are reading this in August or later, you are very likely not reading the most recent version.

Both downloads are accessible from the Windows 8 developer portal:. For the most part, Windows 8 is intended to run on the same class of personal computers as Windows 7, which are machines built around the bit or bit Intel x86 microprocessor family. When Windows 8 is released later this year, it will be available in a regular edition called simply Windows 8 and also a Windows 8 Pro edition with additional features that appeal to tech enthusiasts and professionals.

Desktop applications are traditional Windows programs that currently run under Windows 7 and that interact with the operating system through the Windows application programming interface, known familiarly as the Win32 API. Windows 8 includes a familiar Windows desktop screen for running these applications. Metro design is characterized by the use of unadorned fonts, clean open styling, and a tile-based interface.

Metro style applications will be purchasable and installable only from an application store run by Microsoft. In addition to the versions of Windows 8 that run on x86 processors, there will also be a version of Windows 8 that runs on ARM processors, most likely in low-cost smartphones and tablets.

This version of Windows 8 will be called Windows RT, and it will come preinstalled on these machines. Aside from some preinstalled desktop applications, Windows RT will run Metro style applications only. In years gone by, Microsoft attempted to adapt the design of the traditional Windows desktop to smaller devices such as hand-held computers and phones. Now a user-interface design for the phone is being moved up to tablets and the desktop.

One important characteristic of this new environment is an emphasis on multitouch, which has dramatically changed the relationship between human and computer. In fact, the term "multitouch" is now outmoded because virtually all new touch devices respond to multiple fingers. The simple word "touch" is now sufficient. Part of the new programming interface for Metro style applications treats touch, the mouse, and a stylus in a unified manner so that applications are automatically usable with all three input devices.

This book focuses exclusively on writing Metro style applications. Plenty of other books already exist for writing desktop applications, including the 5th edition of Programming Windows. For Silverlight programmers, perhaps the most immediate difference involves namespace names: the Silverlight namespaces beginning with System. Windows have been replaced with namespaces beginning with Windows.

One advantage of splitting an application between code and markup is potentially splitting the. Currently there are three main options for writing Metro style applications, each of which involves a programming language and a markup language:. In each case, the Windows Runtime is supplemented by another programming interface appropriate for that language.

Programmers who use the managed languages C or Visual Basic. NET is available for performing low-level tasks. For at least a decade I have been convinced of the advantages of managed languages for development and debugging, and for me C is the language that has the closest fit to the Windows Runtime. I also believe that a book focusing on one language option is more valuable than one that tries for equal coverage among several. There will undoubtedly be plenty of other Windows 8 books that show how to write Metro style applications using the other options.

I assume that you are comfortable with C. If not, you might want to supplement this book with a C tutorial. NET Framework might be adequate. I hope to update this book later this year to make it more specific to Windows 8. Markup languages are generally much more toolable than programming code. Indeed, some programmers even believe that markup such as XAML should be entirely machine-generated.

Visual Studio has a built-in interactive XAML designer that involves dragging controls to a page, and many programmers have come to know and love Microsoft Expression Blend for generating complex XAML for their applications.

While such tools are great for experienced programmers, I think that the programmer new to the environment is better served by learning how to write XAML by hand. On the other hand, some programmers become so skilled at working with XAML that they forget how to create and initialize certain objects in code! I think both skills are important, and consequently I often show how to do similar tasks in both code and markup. Your own fingers must get involved. As I began working on this book, I contemplated different approaches to how a tutorial about the Windows Runtime can be structured.

One approach is to start with rather low-level graphics and user input, demonstrate how controls can be built, and then describe the controls that have already been built for you. I have instead chosen to focus initially on those skills I think are most important for most mainstream programmers: assembling the predefined controls in an application and linking them with code and data. One of my goals in Part I is to make comprehensible all the code and markup that Visual Studio generates in the various project templates it supports, so the remaining chapters in Part I obviously need to cover templates, collection controls and data , and navigation.

For writing this book, I used the special version of the Samsung T tablet that was distributed to attendees of the Microsoft Build Conference in September This machine has an Intel Core i5 processor running at 1. Although the machines were distributed at Build with the Windows 8 Developer Preview installed, I replaced that with a complete install of the Consumer Preview build in March Running Visual Studio on the large screen and the resultant applications on the tablet turned out to be a fine development environment, particularly compared with the setup I used to write the first edition of Programming Windows.

A double-spaced manuscript page with a fixed-pitch font has about words, as the description indicates. I wrote some of the early chapters using Windows 1 introduced over a year earlier in November , but beta versions of Windows 2 soon became available.

For editing source code, I used WordStar 3. As I got deeper into writing the book, much of the rest of my life faded away. I stayed up later and later into the night. I didn't have a television at the time, but the local public radio station, WNYC-FM, was on almost constantly with classical music and other programming.

For a while, I managed to shift my day to such a degree that I went to bed after Morning Edition but awoke in time for All Things Considered. As the contract stipulated, I sent chapters to Microsoft Press on diskette and paper. The edited chapters came back to me by mail decorated with proofreading marks and numerous sticky notes.

Along the way, the focus of the book changed. The final page total was about If these were normal book pages that is, without program listings or diagrams the word count would be about , rather than the , indicated in the contract. The first edition of Programming Windows went pretty much unnoticed by the programming community. When MS-DOS programmers gradually realized they needed to learn about the brave new environment of Windows, it was mostly the 2nd edition published in and focusing on Windows 3 and the 3rd edition , Windows 3.

When the Windows API graduated from bit to bit, Programming Windows responded with the 4th edition , Windows 95 and 5th edition , Windows Although the 5th edition is still in print, the email I receive from current readers indicates that the book is most popular in India and China.

From the 1st edition to the 5th, I used the C programming language. Sometime between the 3rd and 4th editions, my good friend Jeff Prosise said that he wanted to write Programming Windows with MFC, and that was fine by me. As the years went by, Programming Windows acquired the reputation of being the book for programmers who needed to get close to the metal without any extraneous obstacles between their program code and the operating system.

But to me, the early editions of Programming Windows were nothing of the sort. In contrast, programming for Windows involved a high-level language, completely unaccelerated graphics, and accessing hardware only through a heavy layer of APIs and device drivers. This switch from MS-DOS to Windows represented a deliberate forfeit of speed and efficiency in return for other advantages.

But what advantages? Many veteran programmers just couldn't see the point. Fancy fonts? A mouse? The skeptics called it the WIMP window-icon-menu-pointer interface, which was not exactly a subtle implication about the people who chose to use such an environment or code for it.

Wait long enough, and a high-level language becomes a low-level language and multiple layers of interface seemingly shrink down at least in lingo to a native API. Windows 8 is easily the most revolutionary updating to. I suppose that Programming Windows could only be persuaded to emerge from semi-retirement with an exciting and controversial new user interface on Windows and an API and programming language suited to its modern aspirations. This book exists only because Ben Ryan and Devon Musgrave at Microsoft Press developed an interesting way to release early content to the developer community and get advances sales of the final book simultaneously.

We are all quite eager to see the results of this experiment.



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